Expecting the Unexpected

Lindsey Long, Duke Divinity School student and 2011 Umoja Project intern  

One of the best and scariest things about Kenya is learning to expect the unexpected:

You don’t expect that the answer to the question, “Where is the bathroom?” to be, “Do you fear lizards?”

You don’t expect that when a “program” is set up for you that means you are handed a piece of chalk and told, “you have an hour with class 8.”

You don’t expect that when you are introduced in church you are also told that you will be bringing the word today…after this prayer.

You don’t expect that the “processional” at the end of the service will be an hour long walk around the village.

You don’t expect to have six waiters for five people.

You don’t expect that “signing the guest book,” means having a three course meal.

You don’t expect to make children cry/scream just by looking at them.

You don’t expect your skin color to make you the most interesting person at most public gatherings.

You don’t expect to be showered with more hospitality and gratitude than any one person could ever deserve.