Jessica Crick Garcia’s deep commitment to the Umoja Project started when she travelled to Kenya in 2016. “For some reason, I felt a strong need to go to Kenya and visit the Umoja Project,” she explains. “When I met the students and staff there, I knew I would always be part of the Umoja Family.”
Later that year Jessica became owner of the Silver Door Spa in Carmel, Indiana. She continues to keep in touch with Kenyan friends and recently held a fundraiser for the Umoja Project. During November and December, Jessica donated 10% of spa services when clients mentioned Umoja Project. Anyone who knows Jessica knows her passion for the children in Chulaimbo! The fundraiser brought in almost $1,200 for the Umoja Project.
In addition to managing the spa, Jessica is currently busy with her two sons and a newborn daughter, but she plans a return trip to Kenya this summer.