Here’s some Food for Thought!
In the fall we raise money for the Umoja school lunch program, which provides a nutritious daily meal to 3,100 students in 18 primary schools. We are excited to be adding Uradi Primary School, our 19th school, in 2019! The food security program also provides food for child-headed households for weekends and holidays when school is not in session.
The Food For Thought campaign officially launches on World Food Day, October 16, but you can start raising money now with our new sharable tools. The peer-to-peer platform makes it easy for you to share information with your friends and help us raise the $35,000 needed to continue this essential program in 2019. Just $25 feeds a child for a year.
Your support provides vital food security, enabling children to go to school rather than forage for food. Because children receive school lunch, not only has school attendance increased, but also test scores have improved, and graduation rates have increased.
Through a rigorous bid process, we have already secured local Kenyan sourcing for high-quality maize and beans for 2019 school lunches. Each school provides a cooking facility, utensils, and individuals to prepare the meals.
This food security program is the cornerstone of our project, as we work together across cultures and continents to change lives by keeping children in school.
Help us feed the minds and bodies of young students! Join our Food for Thought campaign today.